Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3rd Annual Team Jaylie Slipper Drive

It's the time of year again to start collecting slippers for Jaylie's slipper drive! We are collecting boy and girl slippers of all sizes for the children/teens with cancer. See all the details on the flier :) Please share!! You can even print out the flier and take it to your work place! Thank you all for your support over the years for Jaylie!!

Jaylie Update

Jayie is doing really well. I haven't posted updates on here or the blog in a while, which is good news because I have not had to since she has been doing so well :) She is in third grade and enjoying school. She is happy and loves life. She started up swimming at an indoor swim place close to us and she loves it. Her next MRI is right after Thanksgiving. It will have been 6 months between MRI's this time and it has been great not having to do it as much. There is still a lot of anxiety for Kip and I, but I'm guessing that will never change. There is always a chance it could come back, but we are positive and hopeful and try not to think about that possibility too often.  I will update more later this month! Thank you for your support and prayers for Jaylie!