Thursday, December 19, 2013

Slipper Drive! Thank you!

Thank you so much for all the slippers! We have over 500 pairs and are getting more this weekend! Thank you all!! Jaylie and I went up the hospital today along with Rachael (Hayden's mom) and Lenzie (Jaxon's mom). We took slippers and they took toys, books, cds, wall decals to decorate rooms etc. It was awesome! We had a lot of stuff we took up there :) They had two Christmas trees on the hemotology oncology unit of the hospital and when we were done, there was no more room under them! Jaylie invited Shelly and her mom to come along too. It was great! It was really good to visit with Rachael and Lenzie too, they are both so amazing and handled being up there so well (Hayden and Jaxon both passed away last year). I really look up to both of them and are grateful to have them in my life. Giving really does bring so much joy. I have been feeling stressed this month and today helped so much! Jaylie had so much fun helping kids choose slippers and toys. It was fun seeing some of the nurses and staff up there also. I think its been a year since we've been on 4 North. I am surprised they even recognized Jaylie :)

We are so grateful for so many of you who helped collect slippers! There are too many to name but please know we appreciate and the cancer children do too!!

We are going to take more up on Monday to the cancer clinic. So you can still get slippers to us! Its not too late!!

We topped off our wonderful day going to Breklyn's preschool Christmas program. It was so cute watching her sing and dance on stage. She is a shy one but she did great tonight, you would have never known she was shy. Such a good day! Thank you all!

Here are a couple pictures I got on my phone, Shelly took a bunch with her good camera so when I get those I will post them.

Me, Rachael and Lenzie

Wheeling the toys and slippers in on the carts. Luckily they had some carts we could use or it would have been really hard!

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