Monday, November 21, 2011

Cute Pic

Is this not the cutest picture ever or what? I love it!!
This is Breklyn with her best friend Abigail. They are in our ward at church and live in our neighborhood and Breklyn just loves her soo much! Abi is the cutest little thing too. Kip and I are good friends with her parents. Her mom is one of the Heathers that did the 5k. She is such a great friend to me and watches Breklyn and Crew for me when I need someone last minute or can't find anyone to watch them. I am so thankful for friends like them!

1 comment:

  1. dear kajsa!
    I LOVE this picture!! SOOO cute. I'm so glad that you have some awesome friends there that are taking care of you guys! SO grateful for that!!

    And, hello, I've been slacking in the comment department, b/c my mom has been in town, becca's been here, and well it's just been busy! But, I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading the updates for little Jaylie! I can't believe you guys were able to go home so quick with that last round of chemo! And, I'm constantly amazed at how well Jaylie is doing with the treatments her little body is going through. AMAZING. But, I totally cried seeing that picture of her all sick and pale in her carseat? is that where she was? It broke my heart.

    Know that we love you and pray every prayer for you guys and that sweet Jaylie that her body can be strong. So, even though I've been quiet around here please don't think we've forgotten. No way.

    Love you guys. Give those babies of yours a big squeeze.
    love love love melis
