Sunday, August 21, 2011

Going Home

We are driving home from the hospital right now. She did great and never felt sick. We are going to keep the zofran in her for a couple days so hopefully she won't get sick. She sailed through this chemo and doesn't act like she just got 3 days of chemo. We are all excited to go home. We had a few visitors yesterday and everyone was so nice to us and Jaylie. We are so thankful for the awesome support we have. With Jaylie not being sick at all, which is a huge blessing by the way, it was easy to forget she was getting horrible poison in her body. We had to wear special thick gloves when taking her to the bathroom and had to be really careful. I hate that she has to get chemo at all. She goes in tomorrow for a shot in her arm that is supposed to help with her counts. Then goes in on Thursday for more chemo (vincristine) that is an office visit. Her counts start going down between day 7 and 10. We are on day 4. I hope and pray that she will not get sick or get infections when her counts are down. Please pray for this. There was a baby girl at the hospital who had been in there for 3 weeks because she got sick. I feel for them and hope and pray Jaylie can stay heathly. It's so hard juggling the hospital stuff with Jaylie and then having the two kids at home. Thankfully I have my family here. My mom is so awesome and is so willing to take the kids everyday. We couldn't do it all ourselves. We are excited to be going home!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! We are all pulling for Jaylie and this is great news.
