I forgot to say that we cut Jaylie's hair last Sunday. We have heard that it's pretty traumatic when the hair starts falling out. It comes out in clumps I guess and is even kind of scary for adults. So we figured that it would be easier if it were short. The radiation oncologist said it will start falling out in the third week of radiation. We will probably shave it off soon after it starts falling out so it doesn't scare her. I guess we will see. For now the short do looks cute on her. She was excited to cut it too, we were surprised because she never wants even a trim, she always loved having her hair long. It was hard on Kip and I though. We loved her beautiful long hair. She has the best, thickest, prettiest hair, we will miss it. But she will still be beautiful without hair. I think it will be so hard when she starts looking and feeling like a cancer patient. Its still hard for me to believe that my little girl has cancer. I hate this. Kip and I are hanging in there and are ok for the most part. It seems like when I have a hard time he is strong and vice versa. I am so glad I have him and that we are in this together.
What an adorable haircut!!!